Life in Mission : Mission Possible

Ever wondered what life might be like working for God? Here are the random thoughts, adventures and scribblings of the CYS Mission Team for 2006. This is an honest, fun and faithful adventure of young people who've given everything to a God who gave everything to them!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

go team go!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Our Song That We Promised We Would Post

So here it goes.

Its Dedicated to Fr Rob and the Franciscans for such a wonderful lunch :)

Hope you all like it.

Once upon a time
It was Sunday arvo
We were eating lunch at Fr Rob’s
We stuffed with a roast
And the sweet potato
So all together they did a really good job

So now its time for desert
And everyone’s eating ‘Roly Poly’
We are trying to find some lyrics to write a praise song
But we can’t think of anything as holy as …

… Fr Rob you’re the best and we love you
Fr Rob … and all the Franciscans …

So Chris tried to tell us
You weren’t Franciscans
But Bec and joy really just don’t care
Cos the caps are cool
And the ice cream is cold
And Chris wore lipstick for Wednesday nights dare
And Sarah danced to titanic
And Beth put on al her clothes
BUT any way …

… Fr Rob you’re the best and we love you
Fr Rob … and all the Franciscans …

So back to our story about once upon a time
We just finished lunch at Fr Rob’s
Linda’s looking pretty
And Josh is looking sleepy
Cos we just taught him how to Praise God
And Box is telling stories
Steve is drinking coffee
And Francis just stretched
And Sean did too.
And the girls are looking at us like we’ve gone Crazy,
But the fact is they have to

… Fr Rob you’re the best and we love you
Fr Rob … and all the Franciscans …

Now every song has a bridge
Heres ours
And it sounds like this.

… Fr Rob you’re the best and we love you
Fr Rob … and all the Franciscans …

And here’s the last lines
About once upon a time
And thought we would finish
Cos the song was too long
Lyndon just tackled Joe to the ground
And this brings us to the end of our song.


Love Bec (and Joy but shes not here.)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

go the BLUES!

Setting the scene: Most of the team are upstairs watching the State of Origin. It's half time and Chris is taking a 5min breather from the game (NSW is getting thrashed btw), and I'm here in my pjs letting my hair dry.

Boks and Joe returned from their break while Sarah and I were washing up after dinner, and it was good to see them so happy and relaxed - I'm happy, but not particularly relaxed, despite having one of the deepest naps of history just before dinner.

Today was undoubtedly one of the more difficult days on ministry - not because anything went wrong (no program backfires or major technical glitches...) but difficult because it was a rare glimpse into the difficulty Jesus must have felt when he tried to minister to the crowds. If the stubborness of today's students infuriated me, I can only imagine the frustration and hurt Jesus felt when he tried to share the treasure of Eternal Life 2000 years ago. I honestly don't blame Him for weeping over Jerusalem.

I saw the students today, and my heart actually ached at their ignorance. Don't get me wrong - these were your typical yr 9 boys. They were funny, respectful (most of the time), and so good to get to know and hand around... But I wanted so much for them to see that they were meant to live for more than just cheap thrills and uncurable vices. I wanted them to encounter God in a way that would give them true joy - not just temporary pleasure. But I guess a closed heart prevents such encounters... so there was only so much that the team could share today.

Mind you, it was an awesomely fun day! Lots of games (well done Sarah and Bec!), and the speakers did a great job up front (hands up to Beth, who I look up to with major admiration for being able to get up in front of over 100 boys and sincerely tell them that the true friend builds you up, not tears you down. It's a difficult job...)

I was going through old BLOGS from 2004 and stumbled across one written in Sept 04. Basically it's about bringing God's high to the schools. Kind of details why I got so passionate about this ministry. I read it today, and this is what I wanted to share:

I wonder what it is that people are waiting for.

In response to the question "Why bring God to the high schools?" the answer is simple: In a world where there is murder, conflict, pain, hurt, abuse, racisim, sexism, fear, anger, intolerance, impatience and sin... it is clear that we're in dire need of the peace that God offers us through Jesus.

He said it pretty clearly: "I came to bring you life to the full"...
Bring it on Jesus Christ.

The young people of this world need it desperately.

Peace out.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

So what happens in the house you may ask ...

Right now its about 9:30pm Sunday night and the whole team for some reason is all in the same room (our common room / lounge room). Most likely cos the heater is on up here and the Rugby Union is on (Go Australia - winning 19 - 3 against England so far). Joe and bokyo are transfixed at the screen with Sarah learning how to understand the game (all three of them yelling at the screen) and Joy is Sleeping i think Beth is just quitley watching - but I'm here blogging my little heart away.

In response to Joys blog earlier yes I do give permission for the lyrics to be posted but I don't have them on me right now so I'll do that another day soon - Promise :)

So any way im gonna go but love and God Bless


Greetings friends!
Well... Can I just say today is a somewhat TRAGIC day in terms of temperature. I was going to say in terms of weather, but that's not entirely true, because both Sarah and Tito Noe mentioned that it looks like the drought might actually be breaking. And as much as I detest wet weather, I do appreciate natural water falling from the sky (makes a pretty view of the ocean from our living room... the waves look mighty choppy today though).

So here it is: BLOG no.1 from Joy. Scary... because I tend to talk AND write too much. I guess words are my language. Mind you, if you want PERSONAL thoughts, then visit my REAL BLOG - but you'll probably get bored reading about my personal life... so stick to this one and I'll tell you the goss that happens at the CYS house. (wait, no.. gossip's bad!)

At the moment it's Sunday night. I've done nothing productive today (it is, after all, a day off) except eat lunch at Fr Rob's place... and write a song about eating lunch at Fr Rob's place (perhaps I shall post the lyrics up - but only with Bec's permission, since she co-wrote it with me).

People seem to have gone missing in the house. I'm down in the offices, and it's dead quiet, except for the buzzing of the server behind me. It doesn't surprise me that people have gone missing - it's a windy day, and it's ridiculously gloomy and cold. And we have an enormous house which we haven't cleaned this weekend... *oops!*

My fingertips feel like they're about to fall off, the wind keeps farting through our laundry door, and my Swiss-Miss has gone cold. So... til next time... stay FAITHFUL!